23 September // Changes in 2025
In 2022 we made the decision to go fully mobile after selling my bricks and mortar shop, this was so we could be fully mobile and come to you, this has worked extremely well and we find it quite difficult to keep up with the demand. Unfortunately I recently lost my father and its been quite a difficult time and this in a way has pushed me to the next stage of our slow down There is only myself and my husband that do everything so we are ridiculously flat out, we don’t have a succession plan, so when we make the decision to stop work it will just stop. We could continue to work but at the end of the day we don’t want to work ourself into the ground and if we don’t start making the time to smell the roses now we may miss our chance. So our plan in 2025 is to work a lot less, we will still be around however our availability could be a little random. We are happy to take a call on the mobile I don’t answer often now as I am up the ladder a lot so just leave your message and we will get back to you.
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